The 2023 Village Games are here! Volleyball will have 2 competitions, Advanced on Monday 4/10/2023 at 6PM and Intermediate on Monday 4/17/2023 at 6PM. All residents are eligible to participate in the Village Games, but volleyball does require pre-qualification to ensure competitive games. Sam Bettencourt will be running the tournament again this year. Registration packs with full details are available in the Community Fitness Center during regular operating hours. From 2/13/2023 to 3/23/2023, the fee is $10 for 2 events and $5 each additional event.
Volleyball Details:
Contact: Sam Bettencourt (see the registration packet for contact information)
Advanced: Monday 4/10/2023 at 6PM
Intermediate: Monday 4/17/2023 at 6PM
Location: Clubhouse 1 Mini Gym
Qualifying Required
Coed teams to be determined
No age format