Safety is of paramount importance for the Volleyball Advanced Club. For this reason the club only allows experienced players to join the club. Although volleyball is a non-contact sport, collisions between players can occur. To play a competitive game, the ball must be high above the players most of the time. And all players should be looking up, following the ball, even when someone else is likely to play the ball. For this reason, competitive volleyball requires that players know their positions and who is responsible for playing the ball in any situation. Players must also communicate their intentions on every play. They must know that the second ball is played by the setter, unless the setter calls “HELP”. They must know to get out of the way of the setter so the setter can make a play on the ball, especially when the ball is coming right at them. They have to know that back row players must let the front row hitter play the 3rd ball, unless the set is errant.
Defensively, players are responsible for covering an area of the court and they must trust other players to cover their area of the court. Collisions can happen when inexperienced players try to cover the entire court, because they “didn’t want to see the ball hit the ground”. It takes experience to learn to play volleyball safety at a competitive level. Experience is best gained while playing slower, less intense games where players are generally less aggressive in making plays on the ball and 3rd hits travel at a slower speed.